


什么是shirt和Check Yourself?

Screening, Brief Intervention, Referral To服务(SBIRT)

正规买足球的App致力于支持学生的学业, physical, 社会和情感健康. 使用SBIRT程序来识别, reduce, and prevent adolescent 物质使用 and to support students’ 心理健康 and personal safety. 符合SPS的战略计划, the SBIRT model includes universal screening which helps to create a safe and welcoming environment for students by reducing bias in the process of identifying and responding to student needs, 通过消除获得行为健康服务的污名. SBIRT is offered in partnership with the King County Department of Community and Human Services and the U.S. 卫生与公众服务部. shirt有三个主要组成部分:

  • S筛选:学生进行互动, secure, 15-20 minute web-based questionnaire called “Check Yourself” that provides instant personalized feedback about health behaviors and helps to determine whether a student may need additional support. 学生们回答有关自己长处的问题, goals, 应对策略, 物质使用, 心理健康, and safety.
  • Brief I干预:基于自我检查的结果, an SPS staff member will connect with students who requested support or indicated a potential need to determine if further support is needed. If needed, 学生可能有短, ongoing conversations with an SPS staff member that focus on the student’s strengths and abilities, aiming to connect the student with their parents and other strategies for success.
  • Referral To服务:如果学生需要额外支持, SPS staff may refer students and families to school- or community-based services based on the student’s unique needs.

由西雅图儿童医院开发, the Check Yourself questionnaire incorporates validated screening tools and is an important innovation to fill a gap in strengths-based youth health promotion and 物质使用 prevention. King County youth and families were involved in the development of Check Yourself, and their feedback was essential in compiling a questionnaire that is comprehensive, 文化的反应, 对青年友好. 在2022-23学年, SBIRT项目帮助确定了2的优势和需求,895名学生, 在适当的时候, 为他们提供服务和资源支持.

2022 - 23日信息


SBIRT是一个成功的,积极主动的方法来为学生提供支持. Students indicate that the SBIRT program has provided them with a safe and comfortable way to express their needs. 它激发了学生和学校工作人员之间的对话, 谁能提供支持和激励学生做出健康的选择. 在2022-23学年,超过2800名学生接受了筛查. Of those students, 10% had needs that were unknown to school staff prior to screening. The SBIRT program helps to identify these concerns early when they can be addressed with minimal classroom disruption and less intensive support.

Yes! 参加自我检查问卷是自愿的. SPS staff introduce SBIRT and the Check Yourself questionnaire to students and explain the reason for screening. The questionnaire starts by asking students to indicate their consent for participation. Families can also opt their child out of participation by contacting their school’s main office, 咨询团队, 或指定的紧急应变小组人员.

As of the 2023-24 school year, SBIRT is implemented at all twelve SPS comprehensive middle schools. Franklin 高中 and Ingraham 高中 also implement the SBIRT program.

在参与学校, “自我检查”问卷普遍发放给第七名, 8th, 九年级学生. 一些学校也可能普遍筛选六年级学生. The Check Yourself questionnaire is also occasionally given to designated students who may be identified due to self-referral, 出勤率低, 药物滥用纪律处分, 或者其他客观的学生数据来源.

不,自我检查问卷不是诊断性的. A student’s results will only indicate to school staff that the student might benefit from support. 当表示, school staff will check in with the student to verify their results and talk with the student about their need for support. Staff may then contact the student’s family or refer the student to other resources and services as appropriate.

The questionnaire will be administered by the school’s 预防及干预 Specialist who initially reviews the results. Students are made aware that individual responses may be shared with relevant SPS staff (Such as school counselors or school nurses) as appropriate. Parents/guardians are always notified if a student indicates a danger to their self or others. Students are assigned a proxy ID when taking the questionnaire; no student names or SPS student ID numbers are used during the screening process. Anonymous data from the screening is shared with district- and county-level SBIRT staff for the purpose of determining needed resources, 识别趋势, 并检查SBIRT反应的偏差或差异.

SPS SBIRT工作人员以几种方式保护学生隐私:

  • Students are assigned a proxy ID number when they take the Check Yourself questionnaire which is only identifiable to the SBIRT staff at the student’s school.
  • 在做问卷的时候, students are spaced throughout the classroom and monitored by the classroom teacher and SBIRT staff to maximize privacy.
  • If a student enters their name or any other identifiable information when taking the questionnaire, SBIRT工作人员从系统中删除识别信息.
  • SPS SBIRT工作人员对学生进行保密和谨慎的随访. Students are called to meet with SBIRT staff during a different class period than the one they take the questionnaire in, 除非有直接的安全隐患.
  • A secure, password-protected, data dashboard (Tickit Health) captures anonymous SBIRT data.

Each school develops and implements their own family engagement plan in line with applicable laws and Seattle School Board policies*. SBIRT的参与活动包括课程之夜的信息桌, 家庭教育活动, 并在学校及卫生防护署网站张贴. Families receive direct written notification regarding the program in the beginning of the school year as part of the Start of School packet, 在学生筛选日期的前一周. Additionally, families will be notified if their child’s results indicate high levels of safety risk.

*Includes: The Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA); the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA); Board Policy 3232 Parent/Guardian & 调查管理中的学生权利, Analysis, or Evaluations; Board Policy 2145 Suicide Prevention. 欲了解更多信息,请联系SPS预防和干预计划.